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レザーカーシートは長持ちするように作られています。革の変更は細かい工程です。また、費用がかかる場合があります。とはいえ、レザー シートに磨耗、裂傷、または損傷がある場合は、それを選択すべきではないという意味ではありません。








室内装飾品を交換することは、シートの上にシート カバーを追加するだけではありません。古い革張りを交換するには、現在の革張りを剥がさなければなりません。

シートの張り替えは手間のかかる作業です。下の詰め物にさらなる損傷を与えることなく、磨耗または損傷したカバーを取り外すには、ある程度の作業が必要になる場合があります。そのため、革シート カバーを完全に交換する準備が整っていることを確認してください。




レザーレット シート カバーは、車のシートの外観を変更し、既存の内装の損傷をカバーする安価な方法です。現在お使いのシートカバーを取り外す必要はありません。シート カバーは、室内装飾品を交換するよりも少ない労力でシートを覆うことができます。

If a seat cover isn’t your idea of upgrading the interior of your car with new seats, you’ll want to find a professional to replace your seat covers.

How Much Does it Cost?

To truly upgrade your car’s interior with new seats, a replacement is the way to go. Depending on the leather you choose for your new seats and the seats in your car, the cost a replacement upholstery can vary.

Buckets seats versus bench seats can change the pricing of your car reupholstery job. You can also choose your “grade” of leather, from lower-cost options to high-end luxury leather seats.

On average, leather seat reupholstery costs can range from $350 to $2,000. Make sure you request estimates from a few different professionals. Compare costs and choose the shop that provides what you want within your budget.

Can You Do It Yourself?

If you don’t want to go with seat covers, but a professional reupholstery job is too expensive, you can order a seat kit and do it yourself.

Prepare for some hard work and allow plenty of time, but at the end of your efforts, you’ll have beautiful new seats!

Perhaps a Repair Is All You Need

A nice, fresh set of new leather seats is an excellent way to upgrade your car. You’ll feel like it’s a brand new car after your seats are brand new.

It’s tough to overlook a hole or worn patch on your leather car seats, but you don’t always need to replace the covers to improve the condition of your seats. If the cost of new leather seats is outside of your budget, and you don’t have the time to do it yourself, consider repairing your current seats.

  • Find a leather seat repair kit.  Choose the color that best matches your current seat color.
  • Clean the damaged area of the seat. Use a damp cloth, then dry the area thoroughly.
  • Trim the area around the tear. Cut jagged edges with sharp scissors.
  • Apply leather filler. Build up thin layers until the damaged area matches the surrounding area.
  • Sand the area to help it blend in. Use fine-grain sanding paper.
  • Apply colorant to match the surrounding leather color.

If you still don’t feel up to the challenge of a DIY repair, you can find a professional to do the repair for you. You’ll save money over replacing your upholstery even if a professional takes care of the repair for you.

Replacing Leather Car Seats Improves Your Car’s Value

Replacing leather car seats can improve the value of your car. Upholstery replacement can also improve the comfort of your daily commute!

While you’ll pay more for a professional to replace the leather seats in your car, you’ll spend less than buying a new car. Enjoy that “new leather” smell and erase the damage your seats sustain from everyday use.

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