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シニア ドライバー:車に必須の 6 つの機能を探す


敬老の日が 9 月 10 日に迫っています。自慢のおばあちゃんが自分へのご褒美をあげたい場合も、年配の両親を新しい車で驚かせたい場合も、シニア ドライバーに必須の機能に注目してください。

バックアップ カメラ

連邦政府はバックアップ カメラの利点を失っていません。そのため、2018 年半ばまでにすべての新車にこの機能を搭載することが規制で義務付けられます。一部の車にはまだバックアップ カメラが標準装備されていませんが、後ろを見るために首をひねったり曲げたりするのが難しい高齢のドライバーには強くお勧めします。

クロス トラフィック アラートは、バックアップ カメラによく搭載されているもう 1 つの機能です。これにより、駐車場から後退する際に対向車を警告します。





シートヒーター付きで、寒い冬の朝でも運転席と助手席の両方がより早く暖まります。また、慢性的な腰痛を持つ高齢者にとっても有益な機能です。 Look for a car with temperature adjustments for the seat back and bottom to customize the heating experience.

Keyless Entry &Push-to-Start Ignition

Seniors don’t want to fiddle around in their pocket or purse for the car key. Keyless entry makes life a little easier. Thanks to proximity sensors, the key need only be near the car for the doors to unlock.

Push-to-start ignition goes right along with keyless entry. You can keep your keys tucked away and simply push a button on the dashboard to start the engine. This is a much-improved option over fumbling around with the keys and trying to turn on the car with arthritic wrists. That’s why it’s a must-have feature for senior drivers.

Power Lift Gate

Minivans and SUVs have lift gates that open to reveal a spacious cargo area. Ordinary lift gates may be too heavy for seniors to close without straining themselves. That’s where power lift gates come in. This feature is becoming available on more mid-range minivans and SUVs, allowing drivers to open and close the lift gate just by touching a button on the key fob or inside the vehicle.

Power Seats

Manual seats require you to fumble around with levers, switches, and bars, using your weight to throw the seat forward or back. This can be difficult for seniors who lack strength, flexibility, and dexterity.

Power seats are a definite upgrade. They have small buttons on the side that allow for effortless adjustment. Some cars only have a power driver seat, so if you regularly drive other people around, look for a vehicle with a power passenger seat as well.

Memory settings are extra useful if more than one person regularly drives the car. You can program multiple preferred seat settings that quickly resume after someone else has driven the car.

Senior Drivers:Keep Your Car Reliable with Help from Scott’s

A fancy new car may seem impervious to breakdowns, but to keep your new car running reliably for years to come, you must schedule routine oil changes and tune-ups from day one. Scott’s Fort Collins Auto is the right place to go for dependable services at competitive prices. We maintain and repair cars of various makes and models, both domestic and foreign.

Give us a call today at (970) 682-4202 for answers to any questions you have or to schedule your next appointment!



