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最新の価格を確認する概要これは、家の中、車内、その他の場所のニオイを除去するために設計された多目的製品です。それは最悪の臭いに対して働き、無毒で非アレルギー性です.長所この製品は臭いを隠しませんが、それらを永久に取り除きます.においを残さず、新鮮な空気を取り戻します。長期的には非常に有益です. 短所 引き金は薄っぺらで、漏れを引き起こす可能性があります.強いにおいが残る場合がありますが、消えるまでに時間がかかります。

Meguiar のホール エア リフレッシャー

最新の価格を確認する概要強力な消臭力を 1 つの小さな缶に詰め込んだ Meguiar のこの車用消臭剤は、車両のあらゆる表面に働きかけて、あらゆる臭いの痕跡を取り除きます。長所Meguiar は、この製品をさまざまな香りで提供しています。あなたの車の匂いをもう一度良くするのに30分。

Chemical Guys AIR_300 新車の香り

最新の価格を確認する概要これは、臭いを除去し、新しい臭いが車内に蓄積するのを防ぐ働きをする、広く普及している製品です。水性で、車内全体に安全に使用できます。長所強力で濃縮されたフォーミュラが特徴で、表面を汚さず、フレッシュな香りを残します。 2種類の香りが楽しめる2本セットのコンボパックです。費用対効果が高く、耐久性があります。短所拭き取りが必要な油性の残留物が残る傾向があります。香りが強いので、においが苦手な方には向かないかもしれません。


  • きれいなにおいのする乗り物。 きれいなにおいのする車は、通勤や街中の楽しいドライブと、たばこの煙や濡れた犬のにおいのためにいつまでもしかめ面で顔をしかめることになる惨めな経験との違いを生む可能性があります。
  • より高い再販価値。 よりきれいなにおいのする車は、煙のにおいやその他の不快なにおいがはびこる車よりも早く売れます。時間を取って車の消臭剤に投資することで、下取りやプライベート パーティー セールでより多くの利益を得ることができます。
  • 簡単で手頃な価格のソリューション . 車の消臭剤を購入しても、毎月の予算を壊すことはありません.うんざりした顔や「うーん!」というコメントに対する簡単な解決策です。誰かがあなたの車に乗るときはいつでも。より良い香りの車を楽しむには、数ドルを費やすだけで済みます。
  • 長期にわたる結果。 ほとんどの車の消臭剤はかなり長持ちします。どのタイプを選んでも、少なくとも数週間、場合によってはそれ以上、車の中でより良い香りを感じるはずです.
  • 特別なスキルやツールは必要ありません。 これは、ファミリ ツールボックスを使用する必要のないジョブの 1 つです。車の消臭剤は、使用するタイプに関係なく、すばやく取り付けられます。






シガレット ライターとプラグイン デバイス

皮肉なことに、肺を汚染するのではなく、空気を浄化するのに役立つシガレット ライターが装備されている車もあります。これらのシガレット ライターに差し込む車の消臭剤は、空気を解毒するために空気中に化学物質を放出する小さなオゾン マシンのように機能します。ただし、他の車の消臭タイプとは異なり、これらのプラグイン デバイスは、車両の電源を切るとシャットダウンします。

USB 給電デバイス

USB 経由で充電されるこれらの小型デバイスは、シガレット ライターに差し込むものによく似ています。ただし、車の電源を使用する代わりに、充電式バッテリーを使用します。これらのデバイスは、単に車内に設置して受動的に空気を浄化する製品と、車のパワーを利用して同じタスクを完了する製品との間のギャップを埋めます。


エアゾール スプレーは、浴室から寝室まで、自動車以外のさまざまな状況で使用されます。エアロゾル化された車の消臭剤は、特にさまざまな香りがあるため、おそらく検討すべき安価なオプションの1つです.さらに良いことに、トリガーをすばやく押すだけで、消臭剤の強さを制御できます。同時に、エアロゾル消臭剤は最も効率的な選択肢ではありません.





トップ ブランド


1980 年に設立され、ジョージア州に本社を置く OdoBan は、信頼できる平均以上の消毒ソリューションを作成することで知られています。アロマテラピーがお好きな方は、OdoBan Disinfectant Laundry + Air Freshener with Eucalyptus をお試しください。かびや白カビにも優れたソリューションです。


カリフォルニアを拠点とし、1960 年代後半に設立された Chemical Guys は、レザーの香りと組み合わせた新しい車の香りを独自に取り入れています。これら 2 つの製品は、Chemical Guys から購入できる多くのカーケア製品のほんの一例です


カーケア業界でよく知られている名前が 1 つあるとすれば、それは Meguiar です。カリフォルニア州を拠点とし、1901 年に設立された Meguiar's には、車に必要なすべての製品があります。これらの悪臭をすべて消したい場合は、カーペットと布のリフレッシャー消臭スプレーをお勧めします。より簡単で手頃な価格のソリューションについては、Meguiar の残りの在庫を確認してください。


もう 1 つの有名な名前である Armor All は、コネチカットを拠点としています。ビジネスで 50 年以上にわたり、Armor All の専門家は、DIY カー クリーナー用に次の製品を構築しました。 Armor All 2.5 ガロン ウェット/ドライ ショップ掃除機は、長いホースと革新的なデザインが特徴です。この掃除機は、自分の車をきれいにして、新鮮な匂いがしたい場合に必須です。


  • 10 ドル未満: この価格帯で手に入る車の消臭剤にはさまざまな種類があります。これらのタイプの消臭剤には、ジェル、エアロゾル、香り付きの吊り下げカットアウトなどが含まれます.これらの製品にはそれぞれ独自の香りと用途がありますが、価格が少し高い製品よりも頻繁に交換することになるでしょう。
  • $15~$25: ここでは、USB 充電器スタイルの車の消臭剤や、さまざまな袋入りのソリューションを手に入れることができます。彼らは通常、機能しなくなるまで数か月続きます。残念ながら、煙の臭いの除去には十分に機能しない場合があります。
  • $30 以上: 工業用の強力な車の消臭剤を探している場合、簡単な解決策に20ドルを少し超える費用がかかる可能性があります.これらの強力な消臭剤にはより多くのお金を払っていますが、これらの強力なフォーミュラは仕事を正しく成し遂げます.









風船ガムや新鮮な息のように、車の消臭剤ソリューションをできるだけ長く持続させたいと考えています.最高の車の消臭剤は、かなりの時間空気をリフレッシュする必要があり、車内の不要な臭いの強さにもよりますが、頻繁に交換する必要はありません.長持ちする車の消臭剤は、通常、1 か月から 3 か月持続します。


  • 匂いの強さ: Depending on the type of scent you purchase, you may notice the smell of the car odor eliminator. Some scents tend to be more pungent than others. If you’re considering different scents, make sure you’re okay with smelling that particular scent for quite some time—or as long as you’re in the car.
  • Personal Scent Preferences: People tend to gravitate more towards certain smells rather than others. We also avoid particular scents. Keep these preferences in mind as you shop. Any scents that cause adverse reactions should be avoided, too. You should be able to focus on the road ahead—not the sneezing attack you’re experiencing from your car odor eliminator. 

Best Car Odor Eliminator Reviews &Recommendations 2020

Zero Odor Multi-Purpose Odor EliminatorCheck Latest Price

Zero Odor features a powerful odor eliminator you can use all around the house as well as in your vehicle. It's an efficient product that permanently removes odors rather than masking and covering them up. It doesn't leave a scent behind, so you get to enjoy the fresh air during every ride.

The formula is non-toxic, non-allergenic, and biodegradable. Still, it's extremely powerful and works on the worst odors. The product even manages to prevent new odors from building up, so it's very convenient in the long run. It comes in a 16-ounce bottle, applies in a breeze, and lasts for a while.

The main drawback of this product is the bottle design. The trigger feels flimsy, and it might cause accidental leaks. Also, some buyers complain about the product producing a strong smell despite it claiming to leave no scent behind. It takes some time for it to fully disappear, so you might need to ventilate your vehicle overnight.

Meguiar’s Whole Air Re-FresherCheck Latest Price

Some of us don’t have a lot of money lying around to invest in car odor eliminators, which is why this product from Meguiar’s is such a hit. It’s also the reason we chose the Whole Air Re-Fresher as our value pick. Overall, you’ll get great use out of this small can without the burn of a high-dollar investment.

Meguiar’s packages this Air Re-Fresher in a small can that’s designed for one-time use. Simply place the product at the center of your vehicle’s interior (the center console cover is often the best spot). Once the air conditioning is on high and your fans are set to recirculation, simply press down on the tab and close the Whole Air Re-Fresher inside your vehicle for about 10-15 minutes. Allow the same amount of time for airing out your vehicle afterward, and you should enjoy a fresher-smelling car in no time.

One of the biggest concerns we have with this product is that you can only use it one time, so you can’t repeatedly use it to remove bad smells. Once you’ve used the product in your vehicle, you’ll have to wait sometime before you can use another one to remove more odor if it doesn’t completely go away. The potency of this product can make it hazardous if you use one right after the other. At the same time, this Whole Air Re-Fresher is a great solution most drivers would be happy with.

Chemical Guys AIR_300 New Car ScentCheck Latest Price

Chemical Guys is a reliable and popular company that makes high-quality car care products, and its odor eliminator is highly rated among customers. The reasons why it’s so popular are various, starting with the product's high efficiency in removing odors and preventing new ones from building up in the vehicle.

The product features a powerful concentrated formula you can dilute with water. The water-based formula won't stain surfaces, and you'll enjoy the powerful scent for weeks. You can use the product for the entire car interior, including carpets, seats, and plastic parts. Even better, the combo pack of two bottles comes at an attractive price:one of them has a new car smell and the other one has a leather scent. A little bit of the liquid goes a long way, so you'll definitely use the product for a while.

What can be an issue with this product is that it leaves an oily residue behind. Your interior might feel a bit sticky, so you'll probably need to wipe it off with the clean cloth. Additionally, this product has a strong fragrance. If you're too sensitive to strong smells, this probably isn’t the best option.

PURGGO Car Air FreshenerCheck Latest Price

Purggo sells a convenient air freshener you can transport from your home to your vehicle and more. It's made from bamboo charcoal that efficiently absorbs odors and doesn't leave any strong smells behind. Even better, the product is free of chemicals and plastic.

The air freshener is safe for humans and ideal for people who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. By eliminating odors, the product allows you to breathe fresh and clean air at all times. What also makes it unique is its longevity. The freshener lasts for an entire year, which means it will save you the money you would otherwise spend on sprayers and other types of cleaners.

Keep in mind that the freshener might take some time to work. It will eliminate odors slowly over time, so if you're looking for a quick solution, this might not be a perfect option. Also, the item needs to be recharged under the sunlight, which can be inconvenient for some people.

Zep Odor EliminatorCheck Latest Price

If you're looking for a car odor eliminator that helps get rid of tobacco and burnt wood smells, this is an excellent choice. The product is cost-efficient, durable, and safe to use on all kinds of surfaces. It is quite handy around the house and in your vehicle.

The Zep Smoke odor eliminator features a powerful formula that lasts for quite a while, so you'll have fresh air in your car and home for a long time. Although very efficient in eliminating smoke, the product also works to remove other unpleasant odors. All you need to do is to spray the product lightly on the surface and let it do its magic.

One potential issue with this product is that it has a strong smell. It's thick and it lingers, so you'll need to ventilate your room or vehicle. Another drawback involves shipping issues. Some buyers have complained about receiving damaged packages, which is quite inconvenient even if the manufacturer is quick to resolve the issue.

Fresh Wave Odor Removing GelCheck Latest Price

If you're searching for a multi-purpose product you can use for different applications, the Fresh Wave odor removing gel is a perfect option. Thanks to the unique and powerful formula, the product is super efficient in removing odors from your bathroom, kitchen, and pet areas. It's also able to make your vehicle smell as good as new rather quickly.

The Fresh Wave gel absorbs and neutralizes odors that come from cooking, trash, mildew, cigarettes, and more. The application is as easy as it gets. All you need to do is to put the container in the desired area and let it do its thing.

What users also like about this product is the powerful yet safe formula that doesn't contain any toxins, chemicals, or alcohol. It's safe to use around humans, pets, and on all types of materials. Furthermore, the gel leaves a fresh scent that is not too overwhelming and makes the area fully pleasant.

However, the gel doesn't work very well in large spaces. It’s not really strong enough to eliminate strong odors in big areas, and it might stop showing results after a week or two. Some people also don't like the citrus smell.

Armor All Car Air Freshener and PurifierCheck Latest Price

Armor All has a car air freshener that works to eliminate smoke and other strong and persistent odors. It's a handy product to keep within hand's reach, allowing you to keep the air fresh wherever you go. Even better, the freshener is easy to apply and works quickly to remove unpleasant smells.

The Armor All car air freshener features a powerful formula that leaves a fresh smell in your vehicle. It's a beautiful mixture of verbena, leather, patchouli, and warm woods that will make every ride more enjoyable.

However, some buyers don't like how strong the smell turns out to be. It tends to linger for a while as well. If you're not a fan of strong fragrances, this might not be the right option. Also, the product might take some time to work, especially when used against strong odors.

Basic Concepts Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifying BagsCheck Latest Price

The Basic Concept air purifying bags are a convenient solution to unpleasant smells. They are designed to freshen up your home and car, leaving behind a natural scent that lingers. You'll enjoy clean and fresh air in all your favorite places when you use them.

The bags contain bamboo charcoal that absorbs and neutralizes odors. They are safe and free of additives, which means you can use them wherever you want. Just take a bag, put it in the problematic area, and let it do its job.それはそれと同じくらい簡単です。 The bags are lightweight and compact, so you get to keep them within hand's reach all the time.

The main drawback of this product is the price. The bags are more expensive than many rival car air fresheners. They may also be less efficient in eliminating strong odors. If you need the freshener for covering up persistent smells in large areas, this might not be the best option.

Odor Genie Odor EliminatorCheck Latest Price

This odor eliminator is a highly-efficient and inexpensive option suitable for your home and your vehicle. You can use it everywhere, from your car and RV to your office, gym, and bathroom. The product works to eliminate all kinds of odors, including those coming from cigarettes, pets, trash, and more.

The charcoal-enhanced formula is the secret ingredient that makes this odor eliminator so efficient. It's quite powerful yet safe for all kinds of surfaces. You can enjoy a fresh fragrance and clean air around you when you use it. Additionally, the product is easy to use and long-lasting.

However, while the air freshener is quite efficient, it’s not powerful enough to eliminate super strong smells. In demanding situations, you might need to replace it with the new container rather quickly. Also, the smell might be too overwhelming for those sensitive to strong fragrances.

Turtle Wax Odor-X Kinetic Whole Car BlastCheck Latest Price

Turtle Wax never fails to deliver quality car care products. The company's odor eliminator resolves smelly problems related to cigarettes, pets, coffee, food, and more. It's a handy spray that works quickly and ensures excellent results.

The Turtle Wax odor eliminator is suitable for all types of surfaces, including car seats, air vents, and carpets. It features a strong yet safe formula that applies in a breeze. The product comes in a well-designed bottle with a convenient sprayer. In fact, the package includes two bottles that are enough for many applications. That makes the Turtle Wax odor eliminator a cost-efficient option.

The main drawback of this odor eliminator is the strong smell. Although it will eventually go away, you'll have to ventilate the area and wait for the fragrance to disappear. Another inconvenience is the type of scent it emits. Some buyers think it's more like a cologne than a new car smell.


  • Before you tackle any tough smells in your vehicle, consider getting it detailed by a professional. Detail shops typically have what’s called an extractor that’s essentially a large carpet cleaner. Steam, hot water, and suction break down stains and smells and suck them up and away from your car.
  • Though there are many scents that can help your car smell better, you can always resort to using your personal scent as well. If there’s a particular cologne/perfume you enjoy, spritz a bit of it around the interior of your vehicle.
  • Many car care manufacturers include enzymes in their products. These enzymes work on mostly carpets and cloth upholstery to remove mold, mildew, and any other bad smells that might be contaminating your vehicle. Enzymes are best used with an extractor.
  • Give any car odor eliminator about a week to take effect. You may not notice the difference immediately, but after a few days you should be able to tell if there’s less smell in your car than normal.
  • Pets can be a huge source of unwanted scents. If you bring your pet into your car, consider investing in removable seat covers and mats that you can wash separately. This will easily cut down on bad smells and improve/maintain the interior of your vehicle.


Q:How many times do I need to apply a car odor eliminator for the smell to go away?

回答: 状況によります。 The biggest factors include what type of smell you have and how long it’s been in the car. A good rule of thumb is to reapply the odor eliminator when you no longer notice the odor eliminator’s smell.

Q:Will car odor eliminators stain my carpet, upholstery, or plastics?

回答: Yes, some types of car odor eliminators can stain your vehicle’s interior. If this is something you’re concerned about, consider investing in non-spill solutions, such as bamboo charcoal bags, portable USB-rechargeable devices, and cigarette lighter plug-in products.

Q:What’s the best car air freshener for cigarette smoke?

回答: Many people swear by coffee beans; they simply allow the beans to sit in a container in the center of the vehicle’s interior and soak up the smoke smell that has permeated headliners, cloth seats, and carpets.

Q:Will products like Febreze work to deodorize a vehicle?

答え: Yes, household products like Febreze could be useful in eliminating odors from your vehicle. When you think about it, the seats in your car and the couch you watch TV from aren’t very different. Both can benefit from a spritz of deodorizer.

Q:Can I spray something down my car's air vents to make it smell better?

回答: Bad odors can often linger in your car’s ventilation system. For overall odor elimination of nasty smells, spray a cleaner down any vents in your car’s interior. Allow the cleaner to sit for a few minutes and then clean them out with an air hose or compressed air. Turn your car on and the air to full blast, making sure all the vents are open all the way. This should improve the car interior’s smell.

Q:What's the best way to get rid of wet dog smell?

答え: Pet odors can linger in car seats, floor mats, and anywhere else your dog frequents inside the vehicle. For a whole car air refresher, remove any items you can and clean and dry them thoroughly before placing them back in the car. Foul smells like wet dog are hard to cover up, so you may have to repeat the process a few times.


We chose the Zero Odor Multi-Purpose Odor Eliminator as our top pick for the best car odor eliminator because it’s a versatile product.

Our value pick for the best car odor eliminator is the Meguiar’s Whole Air Re-Fresher. One small investment can make a huge difference.


あなたの車にできる最高の改造 5 つ


最高のスプレー ワックス:車をピカピカにする素晴らしいオプション