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車を水から守る 4 つの理由


定期的なメンテナンスはホイールを長持ちさせるだけでなく、小さな (水) 問題が大きな問題になるのを防ぎます。













乾燥した自動車は安全な自動車であり、内側にきれいな空気があり、外側 (および内側) に安全な部品があります。





車両が水害を受ける 9 つの理由を次に示します。

車が水害を受ける 9 つの原因

  • 車内への液体のこぼれ
  • 不適切に密閉された窓またはサン/ムーンルーフからの水漏れ
  • セルフ洗車でも自動洗車でも洗車
  • 融雪液の流出(フロアマットとフロアから)
  • 道路の洪水、
  • 豪雨、
  • 駐車場または自宅の車庫での水漏れまたは浸水
  • 予想外の鉄砲水、
  • 水を巻き込んだ交通事故 (池や湖への車の乗り入れなど)、および
  • 別のタイプの自然災害
  • 浸水した道路は、一連の車輪が浸水する最も一般的な原因です。


    カナダ保険局 (IBC) は、異常気象による洪水が 2020 年に 24 億ドルの損害をもたらしたと推定しています。


    Carfax は、2021 年には道路上の 387,000 台を超える車両が以前にある程度浸水したと推定しています。

    この記事では、単に浸水するだけでなく、湿気が車両を傷つける一般的な方法に焦点を当てます。 避ける 方法のアドバイスから始めましょう 湿気によるダメージ。

    車両の水害を避けるための 10 のヒント

  • 夏用フロアマットを冬用またはオールシーズン用マットに交換
  • 汚れにくい保護コーティングで室内装飾品を保護する
  • 浸水地域の運転は避ける
  • 使用していないとき、特に嵐のときは、車の窓とサンルーフを閉めておいてください。
  • 自動車の窓とドアが適切に密閉されていることを確認します。これは、大雨の後の水害を防ぐのに大いに役立ちます。
  • 洪水の危険がある場合は、高台を見つけて駐車する
  • 水たまりを避ける
  • さらに重要なのは、洪水の中を運転しないこと
  • 避けられない場合は、大型車に近づかないようにしてください。
  • 洪水が差し迫っているとわかっている場合は、車のバッテリーを取り外してください。
  • 水害を防ぐ方法がわかったので、湿気が車に与える害について説明しましょう。



    保護された室内装飾品、ゴム製フロア マット、裏地が擦れたカーペット、洗えるインテリア、撥水塗料、窓、ドア、ハッチの周りのシーラントはすべて、水をはじき、重要なコンポーネントを乾いた状態に保つように設計されています。


    Even small amounts of water can eventually creep into the small spaces of your vehicle and stay there for a long time, silently wreaking havoc on your wheels.

    We’ve compiled a list of ways cars and trucks are damaged by moisture.

    6 main ways water damages a car

    1. Electrical

    Moisture can cause your vehicle’s computer to malfunction, cause electrical circuits to short, and cause corrosion to wires and on electrical terminals.

    If water seeps under the distributor caps, for example, can prevent the distributor from sending signals to the spark plugs.

    Electrical water damage can often go unnoticed for months or even years which makes it doubly important that your ride undergo regular maintenance checks.

    2. Mechanical

    If water gets into a running engine, it can cause corrosion on the inside of the engine, at the least, or hydrolock, or the seizing of the engine caused by water reaching it via the air intake, at the worst.

    Where the gas tank is concerned, moisture can cause damage to the tank, carburetor, fuel injectors, and combustion cylinders if water gets past the tank overflow valve.

    For other car parts, most need lubrication to work. Water washes away this lubrication. For this reason, when moisture penetrates components like the ball joints, tie rods, or differentials it can cause them to prematurely wear down.

    3. Mold and mildew

    Mold and mildew can form when water pools in your vehicle. If moisture sits on carpet or upholstery for a long enough period of time, it can stay there forever even after multiple attempts to clean it.

    Mold is harmful when inhaled. Take a water spill in your car, however small, seriously.

    4. Rust and corrosion

    When water meets bare metal, you get corrosion. Rust is a form of corrosion. Consider it like a virus, spreading indiscriminately until it’s brought under control.

    Salt water and road salt are contributors of corrosion. All the more reason to wash and detail your wheels more often if you live by the ocean or in a region that uses road salt.

    Always take rust seriously. Have rust removed before it does irreparable damage to your whip.

    5. Tire Wear

    Water temperatures can play havoc with tire air pressure causing it to change.

    A car’s tire-pressure monitoring system can also be affected by moisture by dampening the signals from the transmitters in the wheels, no pun intended.

    6. Aesthetic stains

    Finally, we have water stains. Water harm to the upholstery including the carpets, flooring, and seats can be a discouraging site each time you go for a drive. And, as we mentioned previously in this article, can affect your whips’ resale value.

    The moral of the story is…

    Take car water-damage seriously

    Automobile water damage shouldn’t be ignored.

    Exposure to large amounts of water can make your whip undrivable, possibly forever.

    An attempt to salvage an automobile’s inner anatomy (engine, transmission, electrical system, etc.) may be dangerous and, ultimately, impossible. This may not be obvious to you right away, however.

    How much water is too much water?

    Flooded cars are often write-offs.

    Canada has strict laws against the repair and resale of flooded cars. If an automobile has experienced heavy water damage and been written off by an insurance company, it can’t be driven again.

    The same isn’t true for flooded vehicles from across the border. Keep this in mind if you’re ever considering buying a used ride from the United States.

    Be wary of any used car and always have it inspected by a reputable mechanic before purchasing it.

    What should you do, then, if your wheels suffer severe water damage?

    Seek professional help for a flooded car

    When a vehicle becomes waterlogged, the solution isn’t to simply wait for it to dry out, it’s to have it properly inspected to ensure it’s road-worthy.

    If your vehicle had been exposed to any amount of water above and beyond having been driven through a deep puddle of water talk to a professional.

    When in doubt, get it checked out

    If you’re doubtful about whether or not to seek professional advice about your drenched ride, here’s a good rule of thumb to remember:

    If your car has been in a flood, been driven through flooded, or if you otherwise use the word “flood” to describe what your car has been through, get it inspected .

    Simply put, if water was involved, have the car looked at by a certified auto body specialists.

    Can detailing recover a water-damaged car?

    In the case of major damage, the answer is unfortunately no.

    The good news is that if the vehicle has been inspected and deemed road-worthy, then detailing is the next step to enjoying your car again.

    If what you’re left with are cosmetic stains on the interior of the car, then yes, a deep overhaul clean by a professional can bring your whip back to life.

    Trust your ride to a professional car detail shop.

    Final Thoughts

    Don’t wait for water to cause irreversible damage to your vehicle.

    As we mentioned earlier in this article, consider routine maintenance as a necessary step of car ownership. A reputable auto body specialists can identify red flags where moisture problems are concerned and help stop them before they become a major issue.

    To prevent moisture damage and prolong the life of your car, have it inspected at least twice a year .

    We can help

    If you’re not sure what to do if your car has water damage or if it’s been exposed to a serious amount of moisture, call CSN JD Collision.

    We’ll inspect your vehicle and give you honest, transparent advice about whether or not your ride is salvageable.

    Plus, in time for the holiday giving season, we have a December promo for you and your whip.



