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夏に駐車中の車を涼しく保つ 7 つの簡単なヒント

適切な状況下 (または場合によっては不適切な状況) では、最高級の車でさえ、息苦しいほど暑い車内の悲惨さから逃れることはできません。


小さな危険物でいっぱいのうだるように暑い車内に迎えられたいのは誰ですか?シートベルトのバックルがやけどしたり、レザー シートが熱くなったり、触ると不快なほど熱くなるダッシュボード、ハンドル、ギア シフトなどについて話しています。







温度上昇は、車を太陽の下に駐車した後の最初の 15 ~ 30 分が最も高くなります。シート、カーペット、ダッシュボードなどの車内の物体も、その熱の一部を吸収します。

スタンフォード大学の研究によると、気温が 72°F から 96°F (22°C から 35°C) の範囲の晴れた日には、車内の温度は平均で 40°F (8°C) 高くなります。屋外よりもテストされています。

駐車中の車を涼しく保つ 7 つの方法


残念なことに、怠慢な親が子供を暑い車の中に放置し、時には致命的な結果をもたらすことがあります。ペットが高温の車内に放置されていることも、よく耳にする別の問題です。 は、暑い車内に子供やペットを放置することの危険性についての意識を高めることに専念している組織です。下の図は、車内がどれだけ早く熱くなるかを示しています。

外が猛烈に暑いときでも、駐車中の車を涼しく (または少なくとも涼しく) 保つためのいくつかの簡単なヒントに従うことは難しくありません。





また、駐車する場所、時間帯、車に戻る時間も考慮してください。午前 11 時に日陰に駐車しているからといって、午後 3 時になっても日陰に駐車しているとは限りません。




あなたのガレージの主な目的は駐車ですが、多くの住宅所有者はその機能のためにそれを使用していません (または使用できません)。次の統計を考慮してください:

  • Moen が行った家の整理に関する調査では、家の中で最も散らかった場所はガレージでした。 .
  • Garage Living アンケートに回答した 1,500 人の 20% が、ガレージに駐車できないと答えました。
  • 車 2 台分のガレージを所有している住宅所有者の 3 分の 1 は、散らかったために 1 台の車しか駐車できません。 (米国エネルギー省の調査)

家にいるときは、駐車中の車を涼しく保つ最良の方法として、ガレージ駐車に勝るものはありません。 Even if you come home and plan to go out in an hour or two, parking in the garage is smarter that staying parked in the sun in your driveway.

Aside from staying cooler, there are plenty of other big benefits to making space in your garage for parking.

The risk of vehicle theft or burglary is significantly reduced and your vehicles will be protected from the exterior elements that can shorten their life. Parking closer to your home’s entrance (via the interior garage access door) is also more convenient.

Simply parking in your home garage is an obvious solution for keeping your car cool, but something many homeowners are unable to do.

3. Use a windshield sun shade

Despite the fact that they do help keep a car’s temperature down by blocking the primary entry point for the sun, some drivers simply hate the look of those windshield sun shades. The hassle of using them is a turn-off for some people as well.

Most sun shades you see in parked cars flatten out with an accordion-style design and admittedly look rather unattractive. Their foil-like, reflective covering doesn’t exactly help them call less attention to themselves, either.

It’s completely understandable that you might not want your luxury vehicle’s sharp looks being spoiled by a cheaper-looking sun shade (or something like this laughably tacky Golden Girls sun shade).

There are more expensive, but much nicer-looking windshield sun shades out there that can help to keep your parked car cool. Some companies even offer hundreds of custom models that allow for a perfect fit and vehicle color match.

Higher quality sun windshield shade models also tout better heat-absorbing materials. This makes them more effective at reducing the entrance of thermal and ultraviolet rays into a car’s cabin.

4. Cover up your vehicle interior

If a windshield sun shade is a total non-starter for you as a car cooling option, covering up the parts of your vehicle’s interior that get the hottest is another way to go.

There are plenty of models of car dashboard covers to choose from. Like the windshield sun shades, shop around for a higher quality product that provides a good fit and effectively complements your car’s interior décor.

Your steering wheel and leather seats (especially darker colored seats) are the other interior parts you’ll want to cover up to prevent them from baking in the sun. If you’re wearing shorts or a dress, your bare legs will thank you.

If you have dark leather seats, it might even be worth using lighter colored fabric seat covers during the hottest months of the year.

For a less elegant method of covering your parked car’s interior parts, even using a blanket or two will help (make sure to use a lighter colored blanket).

5. Tint your car windows

In most cases, window tints are effective at helping to keep a parked car cool.

Better quality tints are designed to allow for a good amount of light to pass through the tinted window, while blocking out the sun’s thermal rays. The latter is sometimes referred to as the “high heat rejection rate” of the tint.

Good window tints also cut down on the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Now here’s where car window tints can get very tricky – there are widely varying laws in the U.S. and Canada for how they can be used.

Some states and provinces don’t allow any tint to be on a windshield, such as Illinois and Alberta. Other have a requirement that tints allow a minimum of 70% of the sun’s light through the windows.

It gets even more complicated if you’re driving outside of your state or province. What’s legal with your window tint where you live may very well get you a ticket when you’re away travelling.

The American Automobile Association has a handy resource that provides a state-by-state and province-by-province breakdown of vehicle tinting regulations.

6. Crack the windows…or not

A lot of drivers still swear by the old practice of leaving a car’s side windows or sunroof open a crack to keep their vehicle’s interior temperature down.

This does let the built-up heat escape and helps to facilitate some airflow through the car’s cabin, but only a fairly modest amount.

You have to ask yourself, however – is the meager reward of a car interior that’s just a few degrees cooler worth the risk of leaving your car more vulnerable to theft or vandalism?

If you leave your car windows or sunroof open even just an inch, a skillful car thief could potentially get inside the vehicle. ABC News reports that for one thief “a car with a window cracked opened was an unlocked car”.

If you’re willing to risk cracking your windows, once again be conscious of your surrounding area. Park in visible areas close to other vehicles, ideally where there’s a decent amount of vehicle and foot traffic. Parking in view of a surveillance camera also doesn’t hurt.

And let’s not forget the other hazard of leaving your windows slightly open – the risk of a sudden rainstorm making a mess of your car’s interior.

7. Try a solar-powered ventilation fan

The last of our car cooling tips is to try a solar-powered ventilation fan, which you may not be familiar with.

The fan attaches to the outside top of one of your rolled-up window and has an outward facing solar panel that powers it. The fan blows out the hot air from inside the car, while pulling in the relatively cooler air outside the car.

Using two fans set up on the two side front or rear windows should increase the cross-ventilation airflow and decrease the temperature even more.

Higher-powered, more effective models can be purchased that have a larger solar panel that sits on your dashboard and powers the fans.

The quality and reliability of this product seems to vary widely. Some online reviews dismiss cheaper models as too gimmicky and not very effective. Consumers who left reviews for other fan models praise them as ingenious and highly effective.

When all else fails…

Using one of these car cooling methods or, even better, a combination of them will keep a parked car cooler.

But if they’re still not cooling to your satisfaction, there are a couple of other ways to get the heat out of a parked car faster.

If you don’t mind getting some strange looks from passersby, one simple method involves fanning your car door to push out the heat.

Just fully roll down the passenger side window and fan the driver side door about 6-8 times. It might sound primitive, but it’s simple physics and it works!

Start parking in your garage once again

Follow these simple tips and you’ll be able to keep your parked car cooler and more comfortable to drive.

We can help you to transform your garage into a much more attractive area of your home that makes better use of your space for storage. That means you can use it for keeping your vehicles cooler and safer.

Schedule a free design consultation with Garage Living to start getting a lot more out of your garage space.

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