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新車の輝きを保つ最高のカー クリーニング製品


しかし、自分の車を所有する喜びの 1 つは、自分で車を手入れすることです。車を内側も外側も新品のように輝かせたい場合は、プロのように車を洗うために必要なほぼすべての製品をカバーする広範なガイドをまとめました.少々骨の折れる作業と時間がかかりますが、お金の節約になり、自分でやる満足感が得られます。

最高のカー クリーニング製品の詳細については、目次を参照してください。



洗車といえば普通のバケツで十分と思う方もいるかもしれませんが、専用のバケツに汚れ落としやグリットガードが入っているものがおすすめです。これは、車を洗っているときに、バケツでスポンジやハンドミットをすすぐ可能性が高いためです。これは、車のボディの汚れや破片が水に混ざっていることを意味します.ダート トラップまたはグリット ガードは、汚れから水を分離するのに役立つため、ミットまたはスポンジをきれいな水ですすいでください。車を洗うことほど悪いことはありません。汚れがスポンジやミットに付着し、洗車中に実際にクリア コー​​トを傷つけていることに気付くだけです。


専用の洗車バケツを購入するときは、余分な数ドルを使って、ダート トラップまたはグリット ガードを備えたバケツを購入することをお勧めします。アクセサリはいつでも個別に購入できますが、バケツで動作することを確認する必要があります.ある程度の酷使に耐える頑丈なバケツ、できれば蓋付きのバケツを探してください。こうすることで、使用していないときにバケツの中に洗車用品を収納できます。

車の表面に汚れや砂が付着する可能性を減らしたい場合は、「2 バケット」方式もあります。 1 つのバケツには洗車用石鹸を入れ、もう 1 つのバケツにはミットやスポンジをすすぐための水だけを入れます。 2 バケツ方式の使用を選択した場合は、グリット ガードまたはダート トラップが水バケツにあることを確認してください。別の方法として、石鹸バケツが不要になるフォームガンの使用についても後で検討します。


Adam's Grit Guard Wash Bucket with Lidは、他の洗車用バケツよりも少し高価かもしれませんが、グリットガードと蓋が付属しています. 5ガロンの容量があるバケツは、大型のSUVやトラックでも十分に洗えます。バケツに関しては、付属品を探す必要はありません。数回使用してもひび割れたり壊れたりしない、高品質で頑丈なバケツを必ず入手してください。



石鹸なしで何かを洗うべきではないので、これはほとんど一目瞭然です!しかし、食器用洗剤のようなものを使用するのではなく、実際の洗車石鹸を購入する理由があります.食器用洗剤は食器の油汚れを落とすのに最適ですが、車の表面からワックスと保護剤を剥がしてしまいます。ほとんどの洗車用石鹸は、塗装仕上げやクリア コー​​トで使用するために特別に配合されており、潤滑剤が多く含まれているため、車の表面により安全です。


基本的で単純な洗車用バケツがそうであるように、洗車用石鹸は正反対です。とてつもなく安いものからとてつもなく高いものまで、市場にはたくさんのオプションが殺到する準備をしてください。まず、必要な洗車用石鹸の種類を決定する必要があるため、人気のある洗車用石鹸や評価の高い洗車用石鹸を購入しないでください.カーソープには、一般的な用途、ウォッシュ アンド ワックス、ストリップの 3 つの一般的なカテゴリがあります。

一般的なカーソープは、毎週または毎月の洗浄に最適です。以前のワックスや保護剤を剥がすことなく、車を美しく輝かせます。ウォッシュ アンド ワックス カーソープは、車の細部までこだわらずにワックス保護を維持する方法を探している場合に最適です。一石二鳥の便利な方法ですが、ワックスを完全に塗るのと同じ保護層を期待するべきではありません。最後に、車の塗装からワックスや保護剤を取り除く必要がある場合は、ストリップソープを利用できます。なぜそれをしたいのですか?深い傷や欠陥を研磨する必要がある場合や、塗料を保護するために新しいワックス コートやセラミック コーティングを適用する場合もあります。そのワックスを取り除きたい場合は、塗装面を保護するために、その作業用に調合された洗車石鹸を入手してください。


選択肢が多すぎて、1つに絞るのは至難の業です。しかし、調査に時間を費やしたくない場合は、Meguiar のゴールド クラス カー ウォッシュをお勧めします。このブランドはカーケアの信頼できる名前であり、そのゴールド クラス カー ウォッシュは最も人気のある製品の 1 つです。ワックスを台無しにすることなく、汚れ、道路の汚れ、汚染物質をやさしく泡で取り除くように設計されたプレミアムフォーミュラが特徴です。 Meguiar の洗車剤はすべて非洗剤で、掃除中に表面を滑らかにするのに役立ちます。そのため、汚れや汚れは、塗料にすりつぶされるのではなく、塗料から滑り落ちます。





Nowadays, there are a lot of different companies that manufacture car wash mitts. Look for a mitt that is constructed from a soft material that’s safe to use on your car’s paint, preferably microfiber. Some products are offered in pairs at a competitive price, and having a second mitt handy doesn’t hurt. Just make sure you get a high-quality mitt that won’t fall apart after a couple uses.


Griot’s Garage is another well-respected company in the car care market, and it offers a two pack of its microfiber mitts for a competitive price. This way, you can use one mitt for the extra dirty parts of your car, and another for the glass, roof, and hood. Griot’s Garage’s pair of mitts come in different colors, so you’ll be able to differentiate which mitt is being used for what. They’re also machine washable for easy maintenance and there’s no thumb area, so the mitts easily rotate on your hand.

Pressure Washers for Washing Cars

Why you need it:

Truth be told you don’t need a pressure washer to clean your car. It’s really a luxury item that makes your job easier and gives your car a more thorough cleaning. There are a few things to keep in mind when using a pressure washer. First, most pressure washers will still need a hose hookup as a source for water. Second, you’ll need a power outlet to connect the pressure washer, which may or may not be convenient for you. Third, you’ll need a decent sized driveway if you’re using a pressure washer, since you won’t want to have to move it around and risk hitting your car.

Another advantage to having a pressure washer is the ability to use a foam gun or blaster, which attaches to the pressure washer. This allows you to spray your car soap on your vehicle, instead of having to use a mitt to soap up your car. This helps given the car a more thorough and even coating of soap, which you can then simply use your mitt to wipe away the dirt and grime.

What to look for:

When shopping for a pressure washer, you’ll want to pay attention to its power, weight, cord length, accessories and warranty. Some pressure washers come with a variety of spray tips, allowing you to tackle light, medium, and heavy duty tasks. Cord length is important, since you’ll want to make sure the pressure washer can easily reach a power outlet without getting too close to your car. Other washers make things a bit more convenient by offering a built-in hose reel, making it put everything away when you’re done washing your car.


While the Sun Joe SPX3000 is one of the most popular pressure washers on Amazon, we actually recommend the SPX3001. It offers the same performance as the SPX3000 with 2030 PSI from a 14.5-amp, 1800-watt motor, but it has an onboard reel that keeps up to 20 feet of high-pressure hose organized on the pressure washer itself. It comes with five quick-connect spray tips and automatically shuts off the pump when the trigger isn’t being used. The SPX3001 also comes with a two-year warranty.

Foam Cannons for Washing Cars

Why you need it:

If you’re using a pressure washer, paying a few extra bucks for a foam gun is a must. It allows you to easily coat your car evenly with soap, saving you a lot of time when it comes to washing your car. After soaking your car with the pressure washer and spraying all the loose dirt off, you can quickly connect the foam gun to the pressure washer to cover the car with soap. This helps ensure the rest of the grime, dirt, and other debris on your car is loose before you turn to your mitt to wipe it clean.

What to look for:

Most foam guns look the same but there are a few things to look for when shopping for one. Most importantly, you want to make sure it’s compatible with your pressure washer by looking at the required pressure figure. You’ll also want to make sure its tank capacity is generous, so you don’t have to worry about mixing up a car wash mixture in the middle of washing your car. Pay close attention to the materials its constructed from and whether the bottle is high quality. Some cheaper foam guns have bottles that will eventually shear off, forcing you to purchase a replacement. Lastly, check to make sure the nozzle is adjustable so you get good coverage rather than a “drippy” spray.


Competitively priced, the TriNova Foam Gun is a solid choice. It features a wide neck to prevent cracking and works with pressure washers from 800 to 3500 PSI. It also features a dial so you can easily adjust the amount of foam from the gun.

Hose Nozzles

Why you need it:

Well, if you’re planning to wash your car with a hose and you don’t have a hose nozzle, you’re going to have a bad time. A high-pressure hose nozzle is necessary to get loose dirt and grime off your paint before you start washing it down with a mitt. Stronger nozzles will even get tougher dirt and spots off your car without you having to scrub the area. They won’t be as powerful as a pressure washer, but they are a lot more affordable. They also help control the flow of water, so you don’t have to constantly turn off your hose while you’re soaping down your car.

What to look for:

Hose nozzles come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and price ranges. There are even foam cannons you can purchase to use with a hose, but naturally they won’t be as powerful or convenient as one hooked up to a pressure washer. When shopping for a hose nozzle, look for one with multiple patterns and a flow control knob, so you can adjust according to your needs. Comfort is also an important factor. You’ll want to purchase one that’s fairly lightweight and easy to grip, since you’ll be spending a good amount of time spraying down your car when you wash it.


One of the most popular and highly rated products on Amazon is the Gardenite garden hose nozzle. It’s manufactured from solid metal and features a baked enamel finish, so it’s designed to last. The nozzle features 10 watering patterns, from high pressure jet to soft shower, making it one of the most versatile nozzles available. Best of all, you can use it for other purposes than just washing your car. It’s most defining feature is the flow control knob, so you can choose just how much pressure is coming through. Comfort shouldn’t be an issue either, since it uses a front squeeze trigger with a clip so it can stay permanently on.


Why you need it:

Like a pressure washer, you don’t necessarily need a car dryer. But it does save you quite a bit of time and lessens the chance you’ll scratch your car while drying it with a conventional towel. If you don’t like the idea of purchasing a specific tool just to dry your car, you can look at car vacuums that can double as a blower. They may not be as powerful as dedicated dryers, but they’ll still save you some time and effort.

What to look for:

A leaf blower actually makes for a cost-efficient car dryer. You don’t need to necessarily purchase a car dryer, when another existing and cheaper tool does the job just as well, if not better. There are plenty of leaf blowers available in the market so if you’re looking in that direction, research the power of the blower’s motor and how much it weighs. You’ll want to make sure it’s comfortable to use and that it has a long enough cord to conveniently reach around your car. Just make sure if you’re using a blower to not get any of the dirt around the car back onto the surface of the paint.


Not too cheap and not too expensive, the Worx Turbine600 corded leaf blower is a fine choice to get all the water off your car after a wash. The blower pumps out air speeds up to 110 mph with a CFM of 600, while weighing 6.4 lbs, light enough for one-handed operation. It also has variable speed control so you can adjust it for different tasks. Another benefit to the Worx Turbine 600 is its three-year warranty.

Towels for Car Drying

Why you need it:

You don’t just need a single towel to dry your car once you’re done washing it. You’ll actually want to invest into several towels, so you have separate ones to detail certain components of your vehicle, including the interior. Invest into a proper towel designed for drying your car, and then pick up an affordable pack of microfiber towels. This way, you have a few handy whenever you need a clean towel to touch up another part of your car.

What to look for:

As we mentioned before, the first thing you want to look for is a dedicated towel for drying your car. This can range from an absorbent microfiber towel, or a product like “The Absorber” or a shammy. Look for something that is machine washable for easy maintenance and has a decent size that’s not too cumbersome to use, but covers a good amount of surface area while you’re drying.


You really can’t go wrong with The Absorber. It’s one of the most popular products designed for drying your car efficiently and quickly. It has an attractive price and won’t scratch your car’s paint. It also comes with a convenient tube so you can roll it back up and store it when it’s not being used. The Absorber is resistant to mold, mildew, and other chemicals, while measuring 27 inches by 17 inches. It’s also machine washable.

Along with getting The Absorber, invest into a pack of microfiber towels. These don’t have to be expensive towels, as you’ll be using them to touch up certain spots or detailing your interior. AmazonBasics offers a 24-pack at a really competitive price, with three different towel colors. This way, you can separate each shade for a certain purpose. These towels are ultra soft and non-abrasive, safe to use on paint and other surfaces. Each cloth measures 12 inches by 16 inches and can be machine washed.

Car Vacuums

Why you need it:

Having a spotless and shiny exterior doesn’t mean your job is done. You’ll want to make sure to put some effort into cleaning your car’s interior – that is where you spend all your time with the car after all. As you can imagine, a car vacuum is a valuable tool in keeping your cabin clean, and some double as a blower that can be used to dry your car. A vacuum also comes in handy to take care of any food or drink spills, as well as tidying up your trunk so it stays in good condition.

What to look for:

Shopping for a car vacuum is surprisingly complicated. You can choose from either a corded or cordless option, and if you go the corded route, whether you want a 12-volt option that uses your car’s cigarette lighter or a standard power outlet. Cordless vacuums have several features to consider, including their weight, canister size, and battery life. Then you have to consider the size of your vehicle. If you own a three-row SUV, chances are you’ll want a vacuum that lasts longer and has a larger storage tank. Make sure to also pay attention to suction power, as you will want a vacuum that is powerful enough to pick up all the dirt and debris that has accumulated on your floor mats and carpet.


Since there are so many variables when it comes to shopping for a car vacuum, it’s tough to make one overall recommendation. So instead, we picked two vacuums, one corded and one cordless.

If you’re able to use a corded vacuum with a standard power outlet it’s worth investing in the Armor All 2.5-gallon utility wet/dry vacuum . It’s basically a shop-vac, able to deal with wet and dry debris, with a 2.5-gallon storage tank that should be sufficient for even large SUVs. It comes with a 10-foot power cord and a 6-foot hose, which should be enough to navigate around your vehicle without being too much trouble. It can also be converted to a blower so you can use it as a dryer. The vacuum includes several helpful components, such as a reusable cloth filter, reusable foam sleeve, two-in-one utility nozzle, crevice tool, deluxe car nozzle, blower nozzle, and detail brush. It comes with a two-year warranty.

A popular cordless handheld vacuum is the Black+Decker Dustbuster. It weighs just 2.6 lbs but can only be used on dry debris. The portable vacuum is rated at 15.2 watts with max voltage of 16v and has a suction power of 15.2 air watts. Its dustbowl capacity is 20.6 ounces, but can easily be emptied and washed. The Black+Decker Dustbuster features a lithium-ion battery that can be recharged via a charging base. Another benefit to the vacuum is that its battery is capable of holding a charge for up to 18 months, so you can conveniently keep it in your car.

Included with the vacuum are a flip-up brush and a crevice tool, both of which will help you clean your interior with less effort. It also comes with a two-year warranty.

Exterior Detailers

Why you need it:

A comprehensive wash on your car could take hours and you might not always have the time to do that. In between washes, you can spend a few minutes with a bottle of exterior detailer and a microfiber towel to keep your car looking clean. Also known as quick detailers, these specially formulated products are designed for a convenient spray-on, wipe-off touch up for when you can’t do a proper wash.

What to look for:

When picking a quick detailer, choose a reputable brand that is respected in the car care industry. These companies have invested the research and development to come up with a solution that won’t damage your car’s clear coat or paint. If you’re willing to spend a bit extra, opt for a product that has a hydrophobic component, that gives added protection while repelling water. Just make sure the product doesn’t strip or remove any wax or protectant from your car’s clearcoat. There are also some detailers that can be used on other surfaces such as glass, plastic, or metal.


Available in a 22-ounce bottle, Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Detailer costs a little bit more than your standard bottle of quick detailer, but it features hydrophobic polymer technology. Designed to deliver a high surface tension for added protection, the Ultimate Quik Detailer is great to use in between washes. Expect it to leave your car looking shiny, safely removing dust and other contaminants with just a spray and wipe.

Interior Detailers

Why you need it:

Your interior takes a beating sitting out in the sun during the day, so you’ll want to protect all exposed surfaces inside your cabin. Not just that, but your seats go through more wear and tear than any other component inside your car, so giving them a bit of attention can go a long way in making sure they last. Interior detailer only cleans the surface of your dash, center console, and seats, but also protects them from harmful UV rays.

What to look for:

Depending on your vehicle, you will need to choose an interior detailer made for the job. For example, if you have leather seats, make sure you purchase an interior detailer that works for leather surfaces. You may need to purchase a separate detailer to handle your dash and door panels, or other vinyl, plastic, and rubber surfaces throughout the cabin. Look for a product that gives you the finish you desire – some people prefer a shiny look, while others would rather have a matte touch. Pay close attention to how they smell too, since sensitive noses may not want some of the stronger scents that some interior detailers put out.


A great all-purpose interior detailer is the CarGuys’ Super Cleaner. It’s designed to work on various surfaces including upholstery, fabric, canvas, leather, vinyl, plastic, rubber, grease, and more. We prefer this cleaner over others because it leaves a nice, clean finish with no gloss to the surfaces. And since its all purpose, you can spray the detailer on the included towel and wipe away throughout your cabin, from the dash to the seats, door panels to even the floor mats.

Car Window Cleaners

Why you need it:

So you have the exterior of your car all washed up and your cabin is looking spotless. That’s when you realize that you probably neglected the windows. While the outside glass is likely clean from the wash itself, you’ll want to make sure the inside glass gets treated as well. Over time, the inside of your windows can accumulate all sorts of residue, leaving you a cloudy appearance that your wipers can’t take care of.

What to look for:

You may think a popular household product such as Windex will do the job, and you’re not wrong. But there are products that make the job easier, with a finer mist spray that won’t drip all over the place. In addition, some glass cleaners are formulated to remove the thin layer of film that builds up on the interior of windshields. If you have tinted windows, you’ll also want to make sure you’re purchasing a glass cleaner that is safe to use.


Easy to apply and ammonia-free so it’s safe to use on tint, Invisible Glass premium glass cleaner comes in an aerosol can with a no-drip, fine mist spray. It’s one of the most popular products on Amazon and for good reason. It doesn’t use any soaps or dyes, nor is it scented. Each wipe won’t leave streaky residues, so your windows are crystal clear once you’re done.

Wheel and Tire Cleaners

Why you need it:

Depending on how intricately designed your wheels are, cleaning them can be a real pain. That’s when a wheel and tire cleaner comes in handy. After a quick rinse on your wheels, you can simply spray the cleaner, wait a few minutes for it to do its job, and then rinse it off. If there’s any stubborn dirt left over, it should be fairly easy to scrub off with your hand mitt and soap.

What to look for:

The most important factor when shopping for a wheel and tire cleaner is to make sure it’s safe to use on any finish. Modern wheels come in a variety of finishes, including chrome paint, so you’ll want to make sure the wheel cleaner isn’t so harsh that it damages your wheel. Look for a wheel and tire cleaner that’s environmentally friendly and is formulated to be acid free, non-toxic, and pH balanced.


Our recommendation for a wheel and tire cleaner comes from Car Guys. One of the most popular and highly-rated wheel and tire cleaners on Amazon, Car Guys’ product ticks all the boxes we look for. It’s made in the U.S. and conforms to all safety regulations, specially formulated to be acid free, non-toxic, and pH balanced. It will clean wheels of all finishes, including alloy, aluminum, anodized, chrome, painted, polished, clear-coated, and even plasti-dipped.

Recent Updates

June 7, 2021:Removed the promoted product recommendation.

March 31, 2021:Updated with a promoted product recommendation.




最高のカー ワックス:車を保護し、新車のように保つ