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車のオイル交換が必要な 6 つの兆候

ご存じのように、50cc アプリリア SX50 であろうと 3900cc 488 GTB であろうと、すべての車両には動力源が必要です。ほとんどの場合、これらの車両はエンジンを動力源としています (電気自動車の仕組みについてはこちらをご覧ください)。 )。エンジンは、簡単に言えば、エンジン シリンダー内の爆発/爆発の作用によって作動し、ピストンを押し下げて車輪を間接的に回転させます。

これを 1 分間に 1000 回行うと、適切に機能するエンジンが得られます。しかし、このすべての動きにより、機械部品間に摩擦が生じます。十分な摩耗と損傷があれば、あなたの車は心臓のない人間と同じくらい優れています.この摩擦を最小限に抑える必要があります.幸いなことに、私たちはこれに対する解決策を持っています.




エンジン オイルの性能に影響を与える要因はたくさんあります。いつ交換する必要があるかを正確に把握することはできません。極端な気候条件について話していると、以前よりも多くの旅行をすることになります。突然、久しぶりに車を始動するなど。

しかし、心配はいりません。検査が必要であることをすぐに特定するのに役立つ特定の兆候があります。Motoring Junction によるこの記事では、 、それらの兆候を見ていきます。それでは始めましょう。



多くの場合、これはオイル システムの損傷の結果であり、この問題の交換または処理に伴う追加料金を負担しなければならない場合があります。







One other thing you need to know about your engine’s oil is that it will continue to get darker and darker as it’s being used, or as it runs through the engine.

This is because of the constant heat it’s subjected to when the engine is running, and also the residue from the wear and tear of the engine components (yes, it will inevitably happen regardless of the presence of an engine oil – the oil merely slows down the process).

So one surefire way to find out if your engine needs oil replacement, is to check for the oil color and texture. If it’s absolutely dark and thick, you need an oil change.

Low oil level

Your dashboard indicators don’t lie. Even though it might seem like an easy task to change your engine oil – and in most cases it is – you must still keep a check on the oil level in the reservoir. This will lead to low oil pressure. Learn how to diagnose and fix low oil pressure

If it has been a long time since you changed the oil, the indicator is going to blink bright red, or show up on the low side. You’ll need to take care of this right away, because prolonged running of your engine without oil will sooner or later cause an engine seizure or a vehicle breakdown. This is especially true during warmer climates, so you’d do good to not let it get to that level.

Any sort of turbulence while driving

You can avoid looking at the engine light, you can run away from checking the oil’s texture, you can ignore the engine noise, you can do it all – but you simply cannot ignore how the vehicle feels when you’re driving it on the road. Overheating engine will show up on the dashboard reading but also cause increased engine knocking.

The sheer unpleasant driving experience will let you know that something is wrong with the vehicle, and the first place that you need to look when diagnosing your vehicle, is the engine oil.

See what happens if you forget to change your engine oil (Play the video below):

White Smoke coming out of exhaust

If you’re too late in your oil change or running low on oil it will cause damage to piston rings first. A vehicle in need of help will show you smoke, quite literally.

So if there’s any sign of oil, or smoke that comes out white instead of the regular colorless gas, you know you’ve been running low on oil. White smoke usually indicates that your vehicle’s piston rings are damaged and leaking oil into the combustion chamber.

If you ignore this and keep running your car, it will soon result in more mechanical damage to engine. It better to take care of piston rings as soon as possible and replenish it with engine oil.

Closing Thoughts

If by any chance you come to notice any kind of combination of the warnings listed above then you must immediately schedule your vehicle for an oil change, or even a general service as soon as possible in order to prevent damage to the engine.

Going by the service schedule mentioned in the vehicle owner’s manual is a good practice. But it’s better to get your car serviced early if your driving conditions are not normal. For example, if you drive mostly on mountain roads, drive short distances often, drive on racetrack, pull cargo often.

And when you go in for an oil change you must also discuss the needs of your vehicle with the technician in order to ensure that the next oil change happens right on time. A good practice is to also make sure that you are using the correct grade and specification engine oil for your car.

Also checkout these top 10 signs of a failing transmission


車のバッテリーを交換する必要がある 5 つの兆候

